Monday, February 11, 2013

notes [identity]

I woke up, alone.
unfamiliarity of place and mind
it was frightening and invigorating
is this real? what does it mean to be real?
stop it. I say to myself. of course it is.
and today is a new, unfamiliar day.
i sit up slowly, quietly
careful not to wake up my host
Without thinking I reach for my laptop, open it, and begin reading 
about people at home. before. i STOP.

those people are not who I am.

that's why I am here.

my host finds me to offer me breakfast
i accept, allowing generosity to overwhelm. 
small talk is made...
life back at home is alright but i prefer it here. 

I pack a small backpack for the day
wallet, some snacks, an extra sweater. [just in case]
my host gives me some ideas 
i listen carefully
knowing i will still find my own way.

step outside and the sun hits my face 
like a newborn opening eyes for the first time
i am alone in my mind of unfamiliarity 
but i am smothered by my mothers arms
and here she keeps me warm

each corner brings a less familiar scene
but I am not afraid
i wander in awe of what is still to be found  
before i STOP.  [physically this time]
did i misstep?
this is not what i expected. 
i have never felt so lost 

and even so, I have never felt this sense of belonging.